What you should pay special attention to when requiring dangerous goods transport and storage
Are you or your company searching for a logistics partner capable of transporting and storing chemicals? Then continue reading. In this article, we will highlight factors requiring special attention when in need of dangerous goods transport and storage – and what your logistics partner should have a handle on.
Before we dive into good advice, it is important to stress that classification products cover many different product types. For this reason, it is essential that you consider if your logistics partner of choice can transport and store the exact type of chemical that you require transported.
One of the most important factors in terms of dangerous goods is whether your logistics partner has a comprehensive handle on driver certification, i.e. that drivers are certified to transport dangerous goods. Heavy goods vehicle drivers must have the necessary training and certification.
Most H. Daugaard drivers hold for example an ADR certificate. This means that we quickly and easily can transport classification products without having to train our drivers – they are already trained.
In addition to required training and dangerous goods certificate, it is also important that your logistics partner has a safety advisor, who e.g. ensures that all rules and regulations are complied with in terms of the transport but especially in terms of classification product storage.
As mentioned above, dangerous goods are not merely dangerous goods. There are actually nine different overall classes of dangerous goods, some of which are subdivided. Your logistics provider may not readily be able to transport and store the specific class that you require. Asking this question is very important when choosing a logistics partner for the transport and storage of chemicals and other dangerous goods.
With very few exceptions, H. Daugaard handles almost all classes of dangerous goods. We do not transport and store Class 1, which is Explosives, Class 2.3, which is Toxic gas, Class 6.2. which is Toxic and Infectious substances and Class 7 which is Radioactive Material.
”A substantial volume of what we currently store are agricultural pesticides and chemical crop protection. In addition, we store a lot of paint, which is flammable. We can store a significant number of flammable units”, says Anders Sogaard Hansen, HSEQ Manager at H. Daugaard and continues:
“For this reason, we are especially skilled in the transport and storage of agricultural chemicals and are overall skilled in the storage and distribution of combustible products”.
Handling chemical transports is one consideration. It is also very important to keep in mind whether a potential logistics partner can and may store your classification products in one of its warehouses. This factor ensures that you – as a customer – can be certain that your products are handled in compliance with and to the level required by law.
For many reasons, flexibility being high on the list, it is much more convenient to choose a logistics partner able, capable, and approved to store your products. You never have to worry that your logistics partner must first collect classification products from your facilities or a third party, and then drive to the destination.
Should you decide to store your chemicals in a warehouse hotel hosted by H. Daugaard, and instruct us to carry out the transport, you can rest assured that your partner will handle your classification products with care and expertise throughout the entire supply chain from manufacturing to end user.
Having your chemicals stored in one of our warehouses brings with it great flexibility, enabling us to more or less initiate onwards transport from day to day.
“There are clear advantages to having goods stored in our warehouse, as it is always available. Should the weather suddenly be ideal for spraying or fertilizing, our customer calls to have us deliver their products to the end user”, says Anders Sogaard-Hansen.
Contact us any time to learn more about classification product transport and logistics by H. Daugaard:
H. Daugaard has been along for our journey. Rather than limiting, they have facilitated our growth.