

How we saved more than 80 tonnes of CO2

In this article, you can read about how H. Daugaard has saved more than 80 tonnes of CO2 per year by replacing existing heating solutions with heat pumps.

Everyone needs to think about the green transition, including companies. It’s not just our common future that demands it. So do our customers.

“We have a great responsibility”, says Anders Søgaard-Hansen, HESQ Manager at H. Daugaard. “The transport industry is responsible for a large share of total CO2 emissions. We want to be at the forefront of the green transition, and we’ve very much noticed that it’s an important factor for our customers as well when they opt for our services”.

It started with a faulty oil boiler

At H. Daugaard, we’ve set up an ESG group to focus on the company’s sustainability and any necessary environmental improvements. The group had just started to look into the possibility of optimising the heating of our buildings when an oil burner stopped working.

“We called our supplier, as we usually do, and it didn’t take long before Thomas was here to look at how we could create a better solution. We, therefore, decided to use the opportunity to change the heating supply in a total of six locations rather than just one,” says Anders Søgaard-Hansen.

In total, four gas boilers and two oil boilers were replaced with air-to-water heat pumps running on green electricity. This results in a total saving of just over 80 tonnes of CO2 per year. H. Daugaard previously consumed 21,637 m3 of gas and 18,800 litres of oil per year to heat buildings – which we are now saving.

The challenge in the transport industry

Current developments within sustainable freight transport solutions still need to be more desired. This is a big challenge in the transport industry. But even the smallest improvements in our work processes contribute to a huge overall reduction in C02 emissions.

We train our staff in environmentally conscious behaviour and continually focus on optimising our materials to the most sustainable solutions in the market.

For instance, we’ve chosen to lease our trucks and always have the latest technology regarding environmental considerations. All trucks at H. Daugaard Group have an integrated ECO-driving system, which has reduced our fuel consumption by 18%. In addition, we use environmentally friendly tires that reduce fuel consumption and can be recycled.

Companies are faced with greater demands

In the future, companies will face greater demands to think sustainably. Banks are already required to report on the extent of loans and investments in particularly environmentally damaging industries.

In 2023, companies with fewer than 250 employees can expect to face increased reporting requirements. The same applies to companies that receive public grants or funding support. In the future, public authorities will set up certain sustainability requirements before providing grants or financial support.

Do you want to take the next step towards a more sustainable future?

Contact us to see if your transport solution can be optimised for a more sustainable approach.

Read more about our eco-friendly initiatives here.

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