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      Using HVO Fuel

      Guidance for more environmentally friendly transport

      The above CO2 calculator is based on standards. It is possible that your transport emits less or more CO2. This depends on your transport partner. Below are things to be aware of to achieve the lowest possible emissions.

      • Is your transport partner aware of driving habits?
        The driving habits of the driver have a major impact on fuel consumption, which ultimately affects C02 emissions. You can read more about driving habits here.
      • Is your transport partner in compliance with the newest Euronorm?
        Euronorm is a series of EU directives indicating the level of pollution from the use of land vehicles. The newer the Euronorm, the less pollution. For trucks, the newest norm is Euro 6 – which all H. Daugaard’s trucks comply with.
      • What are your transport partner’s environmentally friendly initiatives?
        Many small drops make an ocean. This is why it’s relevant to look at all the small initiatives that result in larger CO2 reductions, such as more environmentally friendly tires that reduce rolling resistance – and that are re- and upcycled at the end of their lifespan. Read more about the general handling of decommissioned materials here. You can read about H. Daugaard’s initiatives here.
      • How many solutions does your transport partner offer?
        If you have a transport partner that offers transport by road, rail, and sea, you are more likely to achieve the most optimal and environmentally friendly transport. Each method of transportation has its own unique advantages depending on your needs. For instance, if you need to move a very large volume within Europe, it can be both financially and environmentally beneficial to opt for sea transport. With several options available, your transport partner can advise you on the most optimal solution for your needs.

      Read more about our C02-calculator here

      Read more about our eco-friendly initiatives here

      Our customers say...

      The key to a sovereign cooperation

      Is based on trust and a strong concept that applies to both companies.
      - James Hardie Europe

      H. Daugaard helps to ensure that our products are stored and transported in a safe way, with a focus on more environmentally conscious solutions.

      - Syngenta

      H. Daugaard has been along for our journey. Rather than limiting, they have facilitated our growth.

      - BASF

      We experience H. Daugaard as self-driven and incredibly cooperative. Their ability to put the puzzle together for Envases Europe makes great value to our business


      - Envases Europe