Our vision for CO2 reduction towards 2030


Port activities

H. Daugaard’s diesel-powered equipment at ports must achieve an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions.


H. Daugaard’s buildings must achieve a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions measured per m2.


All H. Daugaard locations sort waste in fractions.

Transport activities

H. Daugaard’s own trucks must reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.

Transport activities

Company cars must reduce CO2 emissions by 80%.

Transport activities

100% of external partners must comply with Euronorm 6.

Vision for Global Goals

H. Daugaard has set targets within the Global Goals: 3, 7, 8 and 9

Global Goal 3 – Health and job satisfaction

Focus on working environment.


  • Zero long-term sick leaves and zero work-related occupational injuries (physical or psychological).

Global Goal 7 – Sustainable energy

7.2 Proportion of renewable energy.

  • H. Daugaard must use 100% green power.
  • Fuels must be the most environmentally friendly option on the market in relation to driving needs.

Global Goal 8 – Decent jobs and economic growth

8.2 Achieve higher economic productivity through technological upgrades and innovation.

  • Improve vehicle fill rate (VFR) for trucks/road freight.
  • Reduce C02 emissions by 40% for trucks.
  • 100% of external partners must operate in compliance with Euronorm 6. If a new Euronorm is introduced, this item must be reassessed

Average hourly wage for female and male employees by type of employment, age, and disabilities.

  • Equal pay for equal work.

8.8.1 Frequency of fatal and non-fatal workplace accidents.

  • See Global Goal 3

Global Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

9.1.2 Passenger and freight volumes by mode of transport.

  • Offer the most environmentally friendly mode of transport to our customers.

9.4.1 CO2 emissions in relation to value added.

  • See Global Goal 8.

ESG: Environmental, Social, & Governance

Environment: Climate change & climate resilience, water, raw materials

  • This is drawn up under the vision for CO2 reduction and the four Global Goals.

Social: Health and safety, Human capital, Human rights, Societal commitment

  • Social: Health and safety, human capital, human rights, societal commitment.
  • Several targets are described under the four Global Goals.
    Whistleblower scheme: Since 2021, H. Daugaard has had a whistleblower scheme. This allows both internal and external parties to anonymously report matters involving unacceptable behaviour and criminal acts, which can then be dealt with.

Government: Ethical behaviour, diversity in leadership, ESG incentives, supply chain

  • Code of conduct
  • Internal code of ethics

Targets for gender diversity and diversity at H. Daugaard in 2030:

  • Management: The share of underrepresented genders must be at least 40%.
  • Salaried staff: The share of underrepresented genders must be at least 40%.
  • Hourly paid warehouse/terminal workers: The share of underrepresented genders must be at least 10%.
  • Hourly paid drivers: The share of underrepresented genders must be at least 10%.
  • Board: The share of underrepresented genders must be at least 40%.
  • Sickness absence (not long-term sick leave): No more than 2%.
  • Diversity at H. Daugaard should generally reflect the diversity of society.



  • We have initiated the SBTi certification process.