Magnifying our online strategies & social media efforts
In an extensive projected started up in February and ending in May, we are right now the focus company in an exam case in Project Management at the bachelor’s programme ’Marketing & Management Communication at Aarhus University, where120 students have been challenged with the case of building a plan for projects and initiatives to build and strengthen our online presence and social media efforts.
The project focuses on giving us a broad insight in potential effects of further including social media and internet technologies in our marketing- and sales strategies while giving the students a chance of working with project tools as part of a real project related to an existing company and a changeable line of business. It also gives us the chance of getting constructive feedback on our online activities and perspectives on the development of new initiatives on our website, social media channels and other online options.
Why cooperating with AU?
A project like this takes resources – many resources! So, why do we prioritize this extensive case into a busy work life – and to allocate the resources needed?
Palle Mogensen who has been at the head of the cooperation together with AU professor Constance Kampf from AU’s Management Business and Social Sciences:
’This cooperation is motivated by an expectation of revitalising an established, conservative company with an extensive share of young ’wildness’ – and a wish to be dragged out of our comfort zone and forget all about ’we use to’ for a while. We expect the project to result in a catalogue of ideas which are carried by the students’ lack of limitations – and from which we can in future pick ideas to transform into initiatives and activities what boost our marketing, strategy and colour our everyday life.’
Future employees?
We see also the cooperation with AU as an alternative way to recruiting future business talents. It is not given that our organisation includes the competencies to accomplish our digital presence in future – and we need to be alternative to secure our competitive advantages. Therefore, a close dialogue with AU and a link to an educational environment always headed for ’the next’ is an exciting option.
And the winner is?
During the cooperation with has been characterised by interest and inquisitiveness we have been looking forward to receiving the projects which were on deadline Mid-May. Right now we read through all the material, evaluate and discuss these internally in our management group – as well as with internal employees who can give valuable input on the potential of the individual projects.
There will be prizes for the most innovative project, the most applicable one and the best-written project – and we round off the project early June by presenting the winners with their prizes giving us an extra chance of a relaxed dialogue with the students.
Look forward to seeing ideas come true! For details please do not hesitate to contact Palle at pm@H-Daugaard.dk or Constance at cka@mgmt.au.dk.