

Thank you for 2022, & welcome to 2023

Greetings from H. Daugaard’s CEO, Michael Frihagen

We’ve said goodbye to 2022 and now 2023 is off to a good start; we hope it will – be a good and exciting year for H. Daugaard. In the past year, we once more saw a two-digit growth, welcomed many new colleagues, and invested heavily in new technology and safety. The agenda was just as changeable as expected.

New items keep arising in our business plan – such as inflation, rising interest rates, ESG and SBTI (science-based target initiatives). These are all things we must deal with and work on in the executive board and organisation. And we’re happy to do so.

Hello 2023

Indeed, grey clouds are on the horizon. But this also presents us with the opportunity to pause and address areas in need of extra service.

At H. Daugaard, we know how important it is to develop the skills of our employees. They are our greatest asset – which is why we’ve launched a comprehensive training programme for all our salaried employees. The training programme is based on our strategy and values and will run for the first half of 2023. The aim is to further elevate an already high level of customer satisfaction (as shown in a recent customer satisfaction analysis), and to create even more job satisfaction among our employees. Happy employees generate good results.

In 2023, we expect both the company and our customers to experience ongoing challenges in a highly volatile market. In order to best serve our customers, the keyword here is once more flexibility, which is one of our core competencies.

Customized logistics all the way

We are seeing strong demand for our customized logistics services, and we are working on a couple of major expansion projects to ensure that we can continue the growth we’ve seen in recent years.

So, with the above in mind, we look ahead with confidence.

A huge thank you to our staff for a fantastic work effort – you’re doing so well. We also want to thank our customers and business partners for a positive, loyal, and respectful collaboration. We look forward to embarking on 2023 with you all.