There is no doubt that we all contribute to the world’s overall CO2 emissions. However, despite this fact, we are all able to reduce our carbon footprint, and that is especially true for companies. But what exactly can you do to reduce your company’s carbon footprint?
‘Climate change mitigation’ and ‘sustainability’ are phrases and words that are increasingly popular in society and more visible on the corporate agenda. Have you noticed this in your own company?
Many companies have set concrete goals and found ways to reduce their carbon footprint. But there are also companies that neither have a goal nor a plan for how to handle the mitigation, nor do they know how to.
However, the fact is that something must and should be done by companies to reduce the carbon footprint and thus ensure a greener and better future for us all.
There are many different things a company can do to reduce its CO2 emissions. However, there is a common denominator for all manufacturing companies – and that is logistics. In Denmark, 29% of overall CO2 emissions come from passenger and truck transport.
For many companies, it is manufacturing, warehousing, and not least transport and logistics that are the primary culprits of the overall carbon footprint. Because of this, it is also vital that companies look at their supply chain to reduce the impact on the environment.
One of the easiest and best ways to improve the environmental friendliness of transport, and thus reduce the company’s overall CO2 emissions, is by working with a transport and logistics partner who understands more environmentally friendly transport and is able to advise customers on a more sustainable transport solution.
One of the methods that many logistics companies can benefit from is looking at how they can streamline freight transport. For many years, trucks have been used for both short and long distances, but when you take the environment into account, it does not make sense to fill Europe with trucks – and this is despite the optimisation of tires, driving behaviour, technology, etc.
Compared to highways, the oceans have a lot of space, and instead of trucks that transport smaller quantities of cargo per trip, cargo ships are able to transport several thousand tonnes of cargo at one time. Although cargo ships also emit large amounts of CO2, you can significantly reduce the carbon footprint per tonnes of cargo being transported. You simply use economies of scale.
In recent years, streamlining greener transport has gained traction in many companies, and with good reason. Companies that are proactive regarding greener transport and that generally address climate challenges can benefit both environmentally and businesswise.
It appears that both companies and consumers value sustainability among the companies from which they purchase their goods. Thus, there are several good reasons for companies to look at their supply chain to see if there are any opportunities for optimisation in relation to transport and logistics. It remains a competitive parameter.
Do you need greener advice regarding transport and logistics?
It is important to always be guided and advised by an expert before choosing a shipping method for your cargo. A professional logistics partner will always take your needs and wishes into account when it comes to the safety, time, and sustainability of the delivery.
At H. Daugaard, we always try to find the most environmentally friendly initiatives that collectively contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Contact us below to review your current shipping solution.
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