Greetings from H. Daugaard’s CEO, Michael Frihagen:
We’ve now said goodbye to 2023, an exciting year for H. Daugaard in many ways, and one in which we continued the positive trend of recent years.
When we entered 2023, we noticed a slight downturn in the market as soon as Q2, primarily due to rising interest rates and high inflation – and, like the rest of our industry, we didn’t go unscathed. That said, we are satisfied with the year as a whole. Throughout it, we primarily invested in our most important assets, which are our people and technology. The most important result was that we were able to deliver and live up to the service our customers have come to expect from us.
What will 2024 bring? That is the next big question. We live in a continually volatile world – the saying ‘no one knows the day before the night is over’ seems a fitting description of the market we’re operating in. The key priority for us and our customers is to have a flexible and dedicated organization that knows how to navigate a volatile market – and this is where we excel!
Many new items have hit the business plan. ESG, EU taxonomy, and the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) are all new territory that will contribute to a more sustainable world. As our readers may have noticed, we’ve decided to embrace the green transition wholeheartedly. Sustainability has been high on our agenda since 2020, and it’s an area that is constantly evolving – so, naturally, are we.
Most recently, we’ve made an agreement with engineering and architecture consultancy firm COWI to assist us in the work. These are all initiatives that will help our customers – existing and new – become greener by using H. Daugaard as their logistics partner.
We’re sticking to our concept: Customized logistics – people, performance, precision and boosting our growth by increasing our sales force and visibility. Please give our representatives a warm welcome when they come to visit you.
With that, we would like to thank our employees for their amazing and dedicated efforts in 2023. We would also like to thank our customers and partners for their loyal and steady collaboration. We look forward to embracing the future with you.
– Michael Frihagen, CEO, H. Daugaard
Our customers are really pleased with H. Daugaard. Their follow-up is incredibly fast, and their response time is short. We do not have any complaints, and most importantly – our sales are increasing due to the fantastic delivery performance.
H. Daugaard helps to ensure that our products are stored and transported in a safe way, with a focus on more environmentally conscious solutions.
The collaboration is rooted in a deep understanding of Ib Andresen Industri’s operational processes. H. Daugaard has always been able to support these while offering various inputs within logistics. This has contributed positively to Ib Andresen Industri’s growth potential. We greatly value the collaboration.